Highly Skilled Professionals All Dedicated to Meeting Your Needs and Providing a First Class Service.
Truly professional bespoke timber machining and finishing requires a combination of Specialist Knowledge and State-of-the-art Technology and that is exactly what Illingworth Ingham M/cr Ltd can provide. Our extensive investment means that we operate one of the best equipped sites in the UK.
Small Bead or Large handrail – We Can Handle It All!
When it comes to timber machining, our versatility is second to none. Whether you require a small softwood bead or a 63 x 150 oak handrail we can meet your needs. We can even offer up to a full 300mm width finish.
Large Volume or One Off Run
Whether you are looking to source a one-off run or a large volume, our flexibility and responsiveness means we can deliver a first class quality product, produced to your exact specification, to your timescale and to your budget. That’s because we only employ highly skilled professionals all dedicated to meeting your needs and providing a first class service
Our timber machining facility comprises of 8 Weinig Moulders
Quick Turnaround With A Superior Finish
Our two Fast-set Moulders are CNC computer controller machines which give us the capability to quickly produce large volume orders as well as small runs and small batches, all with a superior finish.
Exactly Reproduce the Exact Same Profile Time after Time
Two 1000 Moulders have the capability to memorise profiles, enabling us to reproduce the same profile to your exact specification time and time again and all with an excellent finish!
Full 300 mmm (12″) Wide Board Planing And Moulding Capacity from our Unimat 30EL
Two Band Re-saws
The Capability To Deep Cut Softwoods
One Fast Feed Line Ideal For Cubic Meter Value Packs
This fully automated high speed line allows the production of meter cubed fully wrapped and banded Cubic Meter Value Packs. Each pack comes complete with an end tally giving the piece count and length identification.
Two Automatic Cross Cut Saws Ideal For Producing Door Frames
These fast feed semi-automatic cross cutters enable the supply of cut to length timber at a rate of 150m per minute.
Two Multi-Rip Saws
Superb straightening with the ability to saw to size with the utmost precision.