Colour – The sapwood colour is light brown and distinct from the heartwood. The heartwood colour is fairly uniform reddish or purplish-brown.
Grain – The grain of African Utile is Interlocked and rather irregular. The stripe figure of quartered stock is less marked than in Sapele.
Texture – The texture is more open than in Sapele owing to the larger size of the pores.
- Natural Durability – The sapwood of African Utile is liable to attack by powder-post beetles. Reported to be moderately resistant to termites in West Africa. Heartwood is durable.
- Ease Of Drying – Dries at a moderate rate. Tendency for original shakes to extend and for distortion in the form of a twist to develop, but distortion is not generally severe.
- Preservative Treatment – Extremely resistant to preservative treatment.
Working Properties
- Sawing – Satisfactory.
- Boring Qualities – Twist-fluted drills most suitable. A tendency to charring. Support required at drill exit.
- Planing – A cutting angle of 15 degrees required to avoid tearing of interlocked grain.
- Blunting Effect On Cutters – Moderate.
- Gluing – Good.
- Nailing – Satisfactory.
- Wood Bending – Buckles severely when bent to any appreciable extent. Classification – Very poor.
Staining and Polishing – Satisfactory when filled.