- Colour – African Idigbo is yellowish or light yellowish brown, more rarely light pinkish brown. Sapwood 25-50mm wide, not usually easily distinguishable from the heartwood, but may be somewhat paler in colour.
- Grain – Fairly straight with local irregularities, sometimes slightly interlocked, producing an irregular stripe figure when quarter sawn. Growth rings unusually distinct and marked by comparatively dense zones which give the flat sawn timber a characteristic appearance suggesting plain oak.
- Strength – About half way between European Beech and Obeche. The brittle heart is appreciably weaker and unsuitable where strength is important.
- Weight – Very variable due to prevalence of lightweight brittle heart. Range 370 – 740 kg/m³ at 12% moisture content.
- Ease Of Drying – Dries rapidly and well with little checking or distortion and knots split only slightly.
- Movement In Service – Small.
- Preservative Treatment – Extremely Resistant. Sapwood moderately resistant.
- Corrosive Properties – Has slightly acidic properties and is liable to stain if in contact with iron or steel under damp conditions. Contains yellow colouring matter which may stain most fabrics in contact with the wood.
Working Properties
- Cross cutting, narrow band sawing, wide band sawing and rip sawing all satisfactory. Slight blunting effect on cutters. A 20 degree angle advisable for planing. Easy to machine, but slightly interlocked grain affects machining properties. Generally unsuitable for steam bending.
- Nailing – Satisfactory With Care
- Gluing – Good
- Staining and Polishing – Satisfactory when filled