Illingworth Ingham (M/cr) Ltd recognises and accepts responsibility in their accredited Chain of Custody Schemes towards the environment, customers, suppliers, and staff, and to base their commercial activities on well-managed forests. To this end, all their approved suppliers will be required to complete a Timber Source Questionnaire, accurately identifying the forest of origin from where they source timbers or with documentary evidence showing their intentions of working towards supplying only certified timbers. Using the information so provided, Illingworth Ingham will make available to all concerned parties, on demand a list of the countries from which they source uncertified wood through reputable sources.
Timber Certification
Illingworth Ingham recognises that the independent certification of forests and the process chain is the most useful tool in providing assurances that timbers come from legal and well-managed forests. Illingworth Ingham can and will, only accept or use labels or certificates which include environmental or sustainability accreditation, and only where these are supported by publicly available standards drawn up in a fully participatory transparent and objective manner and endorsed by independent accreditation.
Illingworth Ingham will endeavour not to knowingly purchase or encourage supplies of timber from:-
Genetically modified trees, areas where traditional or civil rights are violated, uncertified high conservation value forests, endangered forests, previously natural forest converted to plantation since 1995 or supplies that have been illegally harvested.
Supplier Monitoring
Illingworth Ingham will regularly obtain from suppliers:-
Information relating to their environmental practices, clearest practicable information regarding the sources of raw material used in the manufacture of their timber products.
All information received will influence purchasing decisions and the information when collated will be made available where necessary on request to relevant parties.
Avoid Misleading Claims
Illingworth Ingham will avoid misleading and unsubstantiated environmental claims in relation to timber supplied on to the market through our company.
Management structure
A nominated company Director is responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of this policy, ensuring that environmental issues relevant to this policy are discussed regularly at company director level. Illingworth Ingham will ensure all their employees associated with timber purchasing are instructed to act in accordance with this policy at all times, and will be given appropriate training and updated information.
Continuous Improvement
Illingworth Ingham, will endeavour to define programmes, establish our own objectives and targets, and achieve continuous improvement in environmental performance in accordance with this policy